Monday, September 9, 2019

Child sex trafficking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Child sex trafficking - Essay Example In this essay, the current activities of the United States’ government to address child sex trafficking are analyzed and discussed. The essay also provides some policy recommendations, in the form of ideas and suggestions on how to reduce the prevalence of child sex trafficking in the United States of America. Child sex trafficking is prevalent, not only in the United States of America, but also across the world because children are particularly prone to human trafficking. 27% of the global trafficking victims are children (Siskin & Wyler, 2013). These children have been exploited sexually in the commercial sex industry or as sex slaves. Women and child sex trafficking is so prevalent in the world that the United Nations Organization, through its Sectary General, Kofi Annan, termed the trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation as an international plague (Phinney, 2013). This crime is more prevalent in Eastern Europe and Asia, but evidence shows that women and child sex trafficking is a significant problem in America. It is associated with abuse of human rights (Phinney, 2013). Child sex trafficking involves the ‘purchase’ of a person. Later, the ‘purchased’ person is forced to engage in sexual acts for the economic benefit of the trafficker. Child sex traffickers capitalize on poor and the illiterate children. It should be noted that in most cases, child sex trafficking victims lack escape means, forcing them to remain in torture for so long. Victims of sex trafficking in the United States are overlooked. Authorities interpret that these victims are deviant and prostitutes (Brooks, 2011). Very many women and children are trafficked into the United States each year. The precise number of human trafficking victims is not yet known because the figures provided are not absolute, but mere estimates. This means that the figures could be much higher than what is reported. For instance, more than 800,000

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